The new stadium is related to international cultural level, aiming to be present in the world of sport, and its forms is used as the communication medium with users. The message refers to the notions of flexibility and movement speed by the smooth, aerodynamic roof areas and their changing relationship with the lower part.
Object is placed on the existing stadium site, keeping the default orientation. Form is divided into four segments. In between are the pylon-towers, which, in addition to the stadium roof carrying purposes, contain certain facilities. Access is divided in relation to four main categories of visitors - the players, audience, media representatives and VIP persons. Audience access from all four directions, directly from the outer space, by shortest route.
Important entry of this competition work is significant presence of large useful area of support facilities and renting. That should provide the greatest degree of economy in use, as well as to fit in the stadium into the continuity of urban content, which is not only related to sport.
Total gross area is 15,640 sqm, with 8280 sqm for rent. Tribunes can receive a maximum of 23,450 spectators.
coauthors - Marjan Đulinac, Aleksandar Tomić