Scenic landscape, as the central point of the design, acts here as a cultural statement - morphology of the terrain and the built framework it generates, as well as its placement, do not rely on the existing spatial articulation, but produce instead a new ambiental quality. As a result, built environment is reduced and grouped around the gravity points, embedding the public domain into a free flowing parterre.

The understanding of the local historical frame is primarily reflected through the tradition and the cult of well-being (psycho-physical hygiene), and spatially recognized in thermal baths, spa and leisure facilities. Contemporary approach to these frames generates a new set of activities through the notions of sports, recreation and health care.

Open system of built framework, synthesis of the terrain and buildings, as well as the architectural articulation, all express a multy-layered design approach to efficiency. These aspects are concentrated around five phenomena: thermal energy, air quality, motion, ambiental and metaphorical architectural sets.

Spatial sequence of new activities (program distribution) follows the logical flow of motion on site. Available space is zoned into three parts based on the types of activity they carry: north part is dedicated to Spa center, with Aquapark next to it, and the Hotel on the south side. All of these zones are designed as free standing structures chained together with an enclosed passageway. Spatial intermission (public square-plaza) between north and south zones acts as a gravity point of the complex and also helps the users orient themselves in space.

Spatial composition of the complex also denotes an associative artistic metaphor; grouped into three independent figures, architectural assemblies revive a specific Panonian scenery - a solitary salaš/majur surrounded by the endless plains.

associates: Predrag Živković dia, Milica Sekulić dia

consultants: thermotech.inst: Miodrag Marković dim; aquatic systems, aquapark and spa: Miljan Đurić dig, Ognjen Prlja dig


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